The Estonian Association for Advancement of Vocational Education (hereinafter EAAVE, in Estonian EKEÜ) is a voluntary organisation, established in 1999 with the purpose of uniting independent individuals with certain interest and concern about the future of vocational education to an association.

The main goal of the association is to contribute to the development of high quality Vocational Education in Estonia through effective collaboration with all relevant social stakeholders and interest groups and the communities they serve.

In order to achieve the goals, set for the organisation, the main activities of EAAVE are: representing the interests and rights of its members, organisation of international and national level collaboration with relevant stakeholders and organisations, making recommendations for improvements in VET system to relevant authorities, organising trainings and educating members, participation in policy design and legislation development, project management, etc.

There are more than 100 members in the association, representing not only VET schools through management members, but also other relevant authorities and social stakeholders.

The members cover regionally the whole country and represent different social groups.

Besides acting as the representative of the VET sector in general in public state level dialogues and cooperation models, the association organises twice a year public seminars mainly for its members but also for other interested parties which aim to present and encourage the discussions on relevant topics for the EAAVE community and provide different forms of trainings for the members.

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